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A new genus of insect parasitic nematode recovered from a mole cricket in Manipur, India

Laishram Shanjoy*
Life Sciences Department, Manipur University, Imphal, Manipur, India

Received : 27th May, 2023 ; Revised : 30th June, 2023

AbstractThe present paper describes about a unique parasitic insect nematode recovered from the insect Gryllotalpa africana collected from Thangmeiband area (24° 49′ 24” N and 93° 56′ 10” E), of Imphal, Manipur. The described specimen is very different from all the already known the lastomatid nematodes in many important characters. The cephalic end is much protruded, rod like with blunt end enclosing a long mouth cavity in the form of a vestibule. Body is covered by thick transparent cuticle. Oesophagus long consisting of three parts- corpus, isthmus and a rounded valvular bulb. A slightly circular ridge present around at the beginning of the valvular bulb. Cephalic end is not annulated and body annulations are faintly visible. Tail is roughly conoidal with long filiform caudal appendage. Considering all these taxonomic characters, the present specimen was found to be different from any other known species, hence the present specimen is reported as new genus.

Key words: Nematoda, Gambhiria n.gen., Insect, Gryllotalpa sp., Manipur.

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