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Study on impact of seed-borne mycoflora on seed germination, seedling growth and vigor of mungbean Vigna radiata L. (Wilczek) grown in Madhepura District, Bihar, India

Kanchan Kumari & B.K. Dayal*
University Department of Botany B.N. Mandal University, Madhepura, Bihar, India

Received : 02nd May, 2023 ; Revised : 04th June, 2023

AbstractMungbean also known as green gram Vigna radiata L. (Wilczek) is a fabaceous annual crop grown for its high quality protein content in most of the states of India and abroad. Seed samples of Mungbean were collected from nearby villages of Madhepura and stored in different sterilized polythene bags. Collected seeds were used for the isolation of mycoflora associated with seeds. Fungal species were identified by preparing slides. Based on the morphology of conidia and onridiophores/sporangiophores, different fungal species were identified with the help of standard text. Most common fungi such as Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus fumigatus, Alternaria alternata, Curvularia lunata, Fusarium oxysporum and Rhizopus stolonifer were selected for axenic culture. From such culture, spore suspension were obtained and used for treatment of healthy seeds of mungbean. These seeds were germinated and percentage of germination, seedling growth and vigour and reduction in percentage germination, percentage reduction in shoot length and root length etc. were calculated. The Seedling Vigour Index was also calculated.

Key words: Mycoflora, Conidia, Sporangiophore, Axenic Culture, Seedling Vigour Index (SVI)

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