Anjali Srivastavaa* & Rana Vikram Singhb
aDepartment of Zoology, Kamla Rai College, Gopalganj, Jai Prakash University, Chhapra, Bihar, India.
bDepartment of Zoology, Jai Prakash University, Chhapra, Bihar, India.
Received : 20th December, 2023 ; Revised : 20th January, 2024
Abstract– Nilgai is the largest Antelope and due to its crop raiding behaviour causing huge economic loss, it has been declared vermin and has been ordered by many States Government for culling. The culling proposal has already been implemented in Bihar. The present paper deals with the study conducted on the various behaviour of Nilgai like Aggressive behaviour, social behaviour, Reproductive behaviour, Defence behaviour, Docile behaviour etc. by using direct sighting and Camera Photography and Questionnaire cum Survey method and direct conversation with the local inhabitants, and focussing their awareness about its future domestication prospects if possible and its protection as it is the sole member of its genus. During the study it was seen that the local village population was very much less aware about its docile and reproductive behaviour rather they were very much acknowledged about the cases of its Aggressive and Crop-raiding behaviour. Still, they emphasized the protection of their agricultural crops by planting Lemon-grass, Cactus, Sunflower along the margins of their field.
Key words: Antelope, Awareness, Crop-raiding, Docile, Vermin
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