Bimola Maibam1, O. Shashikumar Singh2 & Devashish Kar3 1Department of Zoology, C. I. College, Bishnupur, Manipur, India
2Department of Zoology, D. M. College of Science, Imphal, Manipur, India
3Division of Wetland, Fishery Science and Aquaculture, Department of Life Science and Bioinformatics, Assam University, Stinchar
Received , 28th December, 2014; Revised: 5th February, 2015.
Abstract : The importance of zooplankton in fish culture is not to be ignored as zooplankton assist in recycle of natural resources and degrade the waste materials for fish culture. The present paper reports on a collection of freshwater live fish-food organisms from the Thongjaorok River, a partially subterranean stream located in the Bishnupur District of
Manipur, North East India during 2012-2013. The river lies in the intersection of 24o 30?N-24o 45?N and 93o 45?E- 93o 47?E. A total of 18 species belonging to three classes viz., Rotifera, Cladocera and Copepoda were identified. Phylum Rotifera was the most populous group represent by 6 genera viz Brachionus, Lecane, Mytilina, Keratella, Plationus and
Euchlanis reported. Class Copepoda was represented by 3 genera viz Neodiaptomus, Eucyclops and Mesocyclops and Class Cladocera represent by one genera viz Moina.
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