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Studies on neurosecretory material of brain neurosecretory cells and oocyte development in female Poecilocerus pictus (Fabricius)

S.M.M.Hassana*, Shayeba Hasana, Seema Kumaria & Sunil Kumara
*aDept. of Zoology, Patna Science College, Patna University,Patna, Bihar, India.

Received 06th October,2012; Revised 21st November.,2012

Abstract : The neurosecretory material (NSM) in the Median neurosecretory cells (MNSC) varies with the growing ages of Poecilocerus pictus. The neurosecretory activity of the median neurosecretory cells in the brain of mated female of Poecilocerus pictus shows histological signs of increased activity with the oocyte development in ovariole during the entire period of life. The neurosecretory material (NSM) shows the increased activity in MNSC and primary oocyte also indicates the developmental activity during copulation than that of freshly moulted females. Freshly moulted (within 24 hours old) females have little stainable NSM in neurosecretory cells of brain. Nine days old copulated females have maximum stainable NSM in neurosecretory cells of the brain while virgin females (15 days old) have sparse amount of stainable NSM in MNSC and developed in ovipositing females. The size of primary oocyte gradually developed and attained maximum size in 32 days old ovipositing females of multiple mated and single mated females. The amount of neurosecretory material (NSM) in MNSC slowly decreased from copulating females to ovipositing females of unmated condition but size of oocyte also slowly developed in ovariole like neurosecretory material.
Keywords: Median neurosecretory cell, Neurosecretory material, Ovariole, Oviposition, Copulation, Primary oocyte.


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